Friday, March 27, 2009
For more pics and stories
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Back to the Sea Side
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Heading back

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
He Guides My Path!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday -- A Day Of Rest
Its a day of rest today. A day to contemplate all our great God is and does. My goal origanlly was to go further up north to continue our survey of the land and connect with the people we seek. But we decided as a team to rest on this day and enjoy the land we are in without any agenda today. Good idea. Much needed to refresh our brains and spirit. I was reminded here that there is a very real spiritual battle that wages over us everyday we are here. The enemy is very aware of our goals. We would be wise to stay fervently in prayer at all times. I can understand the phrase much better now when He said, "I send you out as sheep amoung wolves". I have often wondered here that if I could see the spiritual world around me, what would I see. It may be better that I don't. But definitly very aware of it. This land is covered by a cloud of deception and darkness. And what is darkness but a word we us to explain the absence of light. Darkness really does not exist or you could make darkness darker. Darkness is the absence of light. Pray that He will send His light to shine in this land and shatter the darkness here. That the veil of deception will be lifted and that the people will hear and see the truth.
It still boogles my mind that we have been sent out with a banner of boldness and now here we sit clear across the world by oursleves in a region far from any people we could use for our assistance. We have no translator and no guide. We have come humble and week that He might be strong. And He is! The Lord is our guide and translator. You see, if we had a translator, then it would be that person engaging and not us. We wouldn't have an accurate understanding of how accepting the people are to us. But coming this way has opened the door to relationship building. It has been amazing to be so relient upon our Lord to lead the way. May we be this way in all we do. And may we not lose this behavior when we get back home.
So we rest today and we will enjoy a local Football game, (Soccer). Tommorrow we will continue our task. We love you all. Have a great Sunday and continue to pray for this battle.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy New Year
Today is Saturday, there are two posts for today because I didn’t have enough time update last night. We have already had a full day, and it is only 3pm. We got up had our usual breakfast then off on a bus ride along the city. We wanted to go to the bizarre, which we finally found via the long route.
I first want to say I LOVE IT HERE!! It is so awesome and we have had great interaction with all sorts of people. We of course drew a lot of attention. But, away from my friend Emily, I didn’t stand out as much. I began to encounter little old ladies (who, I attract to anyway) and they just assumed I was one of them. One lady was so tickled to find that I was an American that she just started to laugh and tell her friends that I looked like them, maybe French or Russian too. You maybe wondering how I know what she was saying, well the truth of it all is that I don’t, but I can understand and pick out enough words that I can get the jest. I thought this was great fun. I love the little grandmas with their sweet head covings and little worn faces. Once we left that store, she gave me a hug, and just laughed and laughed with her friends. That is how we make connections, just by being ourselves and putting ourselves in places we may have never gone before.
The next lady I ran into thought the same thing. Her and her daughter ran the store, and I was talking to them with the little I know thus far. When she asked me something I didn’t know, I told her I was speaking English. Oh that was a crack up. They hurried and told each other that they thought I was one of them. I began to look at some scarves to buy she gave me a discount, I think because I was trying so hard to use there words. Then the mama looked at me and told her daughter I was a Chr*sti*an. WHAT!! I was so excited, the lady came to me and gave me a big hug while patting me. Oh Lord, we ask for the nations!!
The craziest thing of all was at the bizarre there was a row of Chinese people selling things, just like the locals. I stopped to ask them if they were one of these people, and they answered no Chinese. But the crazy thing is they don’t speak Chinese, only the native tongue here. I pulled out some of my very limited and horribly pronounced Chinese and they didn’t respond, they just shook their heads like I don’t know.
We stopped to buy some apples from some ladies and they wouldn’t take our money, even though we insisted, they insisted harder. Then one of the men came over and asked us if would like to take his picture, OF COURSE we would, what an opportunity and besides that I loved his hat!!
After much fun and shopping we were off to my favorite place to eat. This guy speaks Russian and thanks to C~5 I know enough to say hi and thank you. We asked for the same meal we had the first time and he hooked us up. I can’t think of any place better to eat, other then this place. By far the BEST in this little town, and the city in my opinion, I don’t know what he does to that lamb, but it is finger licking good!!
We wished him Happy New Year, and that is all it takes her to be best friends. This is so much fun, Lord we do ask for the nations.
This place needs the Helper and the Comforter. Please pray just that. My heart breaks for my new friends, that don’t walk in light, only darkness. Oh, how we ask for the nations.
Yeni illiniz mubarek!!
Happy new year!!
Today we celebrated the eve of Novrus, quite exciting and tiresome. We woke up really early and what we have learned so far, is that NO ONE wakes early, smart people I say. They are to bed late, and late to rise. Nothing is open and no one is on the street before 8am. Maybe we could learn from that.
We started with breakfast at our hotel. Then off to the internet, which I am sure you have seen. Then off to find the Gazette, finally successful. We get a lot of stares here, so we must really stick out. Emily and I are the most modestly dressed…funny huh considering the religion observed here. Hardly anyone covers their heads, (sometimes we do because it is cold) and they even serve alcohol in the stores and restaurants! So it is much different than we thought. I am pretty sure that the people here are just afraid of us as we are of them, because once the ice is broke, they are so kind and inviting.
After a mini tour and prayer walk, we were off to lunch at the park where the festivities would be held. It was so beautiful. God has painted such beautiful place for us to visit. We are right at the base of the mountain, so it is still cold, but not too bad. Again we had a great lunch with the exception of one kind of meat. We put it in our mouth, chewed a bit, and all of us wanted to eject it, but didn’t. I think it was like ground lamb liver and left over pieces with onions and some other things. It was the first NOT GOOD thing I have eaten.
We made a few friends by wishing them a happy holiday in their language, including the police officer. After lunch the girls headed to take a short nap. The boys headed to find the college professor that teaches English here. On the way, they ran into another an American looking man and asked, “Do you speak English”? They didn’t expect the American accent to answer back, “Yes!! I do.” It turns out the man was from Sweden and said that he was just passing through while touring all of Asia, mmm…….curious, I would say.
On the way to find the English teacher they stopped at the tourist info office which was closed. There was a door open near by so they decided to stop there not noticing it was the Ministry for the n*tion*l sec*rity office. Bry wanted to know what it would take to become English teachers here. They begin to question Bry heavily, what did he mean and why. Finally they realized that he was just saying that it was beautiful here and if he wanted to retire here, could he?? Once they figured out they thought they would call the chancellor to answer his questions, but Bry assured them he didn’t need to talk to them.
After all was said and done everyone was happy and Bry thinks that they were just trying to solve his problem. Lots of excitement.
After our nap, we went back to the park and waited for things to start. So many people came out to celebrate. Again we drew lots of attention. Children were especially curious. We met a cute little girl with C~2’s personality. She would stroll by, pretending she didn’t want anything, picking at the leaves in the grass. Finally we said hello to her and that was all she needed. She began to ask questions and soon, all sorts of family members were all around us. It was so cute. Once she said “I love you”. For about 2 hours we were surrounded by people and children, all wondering why we were here. We found that there are English teachers in the area that are with the P*ac* Cor*. They have taught some of their students very well. Sooner or later we were invited to our friend’s house for more celebration, hopefully we will go tomorrow.
Our brains are fried now, it is a lot of work trying to decipher all the words that are being thrown at you, but lots of fun at the same time.
So, my sweet friends, thank you for your comments, we love to hear from all of you. Thanks for your encouraging words. Thanks for caring for our kids. We love you sweet children. Can’t wait to be home with you soon.
Today’s Lesson: The whole earth is filled with His glory. We need to be a part of it!! Misconceptions of other nations are not good. They are just like you and I and in desperate need of being found!!
The Thieles
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Journey Begins
Not a problem. If we got the next flight, we would still have an hour layover in London, catch up with Bev and be right on track. Well…one small problem. Because it was not our original flight, we wouldn’t be sitting together. In fact, I would be sitting in the middle seat, in the very back of the plane, in-between to big Siberian Cops. That however, turned out to be the least of our problems when we discovered that once again the plane was late. Not only late, but broken. They had to get a new plane. Finally left at 12:30 am and knew we missed our flight to BK and Bev was now on her way alone. When we got to London, they scheduled us on the next flight out to Bk by way of Istbl. We got to the gate and guess what???? Yes, our flight was an hour late with only an hour lay-over in Istbl. Not only that, but our bags were never sent from A/A. So here we go again. We land in Istbl and Tim and Emily are in the very back of the plane, last seat again. We finally get off and run to our gate. Half way I see the sign says the gate is closed. I shout out to the others, “the gates closed”, when a nicely dressed attendant hears me. He says,”Where are you going?” “BK!” we all reply. And he proceeds to run with us, suit and all, to our next gate. He even helps Tim by pulling his bag. Don’t mind the fact that I have my laptop, both cameras and Emily’s bag and an extra 75 pounds!!!
We made the flight. So now that we are landing at 5:30am instead of 10pm. There will be no one to pick us up at the airport. But God is good. You see, this whole time there has been another couple going thru the whole thing with us since Dallas. He works for an place that we are connected to and speaks both English and the local language. He helps us get a cab and we made it perfectly to our arranged apartment. And guess who was waiting for us…..Bev.
Yes, God is good and we can trust that He is in control. He has a plan that will be far better then what we could derive. And far more memorable.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
That they may see!

I am sitting here at 12:36 am Friday night, hours before our trip and ponder the many things that God might do while we are there. I can't help but to think of Romans 15 and to reflect upon the passion that Paul had for the many who needed to hear. Listen to what he says.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Lord may we overflow with hope for your children by the power of your Holy Spirit. "I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another. I have written you quite boldly on some points, as if to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done— by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Rather, as it is written:
"Those who were not told about him will see,and those who have not heard will understand.""
May we be as bold as Paul and may the Lord go before us and prepare the people. May they have dreams and visions and await our arrival. May the light shatter the darkness that has been surrounding these people. Continue to pray for the people that we may engage. For His love to be given and His gospel to be spread.